
7 Game Reviews w/ Response

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Doesn't work, no way to start. Press enter and still nothing.

Even when I click the screen, i can move the select from play to settings, but pressing enter to select or clicking start doesn't work regardless.

RazePXL responds:

Click the screen. When you click off the screen the game tells you "Click to focus."

"(D) Main --- Interact / Pick Up Item / Climb Off Ladder / Enter Door"

I'm not sure why you made the controls like this, it's extremely hard to use the arrow keys and then the keyboard to jump and throw etc. Why not just use wasd and space ? Apart from that, the sliding and jumping physics make the game extremely hard.

squidly responds:

It’s pretty standard, are you using a keyboard where ZXC are not the bottom left keys, for example, a German keyboard? If so, do you have a controller?

The graphics are just way too bad to even understand how to play, i died after I walked into something. no real directions whatsoever.

adriendittrick responds:

intended experience

cool idea, but it seems unfinished, very repetitive & extremely small map for the number of enemies that are spawning in.

SmaexGames responds:

Thanks, as stated in the disclaimer this is a very early user testing, mostly to gather feedback about the overall game feel, abilities and items :)

There should probably be a way to restart the game without reloading the page

update: much better!

Ezekielthefella responds:

major update, fixed your issue

This reminds me of flappy bird, but extra hard since you only have a certain number of jumps, which makes it feel impossible. I'm not sure why there would be a limit on the number of jumps, it's like limiting the player to a certain number of paces they can move while also avoiding objects.

edit: Adding an easy mode where jumps aren't limited would make it so much better

Schweem responds:

That's exactly it! Each level has multiple ways it can be cleared using the given number of jumps, as well as opportunities to improve your times across multiple runs. The idea is that it is hard and you will die a lot, but each death is a learning opportunity. I appreciate the feedback, how would you feel about an "easy" mode that has unlimited jumps and checkpoints? That has been on the drawing board for a while.

I'm not sure how this is supposed to work, but you need money to buy the spray paint, there is no money anywhere on the map or starting area, this is unplayable.

edit: I feel like having better instructions &/or some sort of guidance would really help the game.

Wiesi responds:

Jump on the mailboxes

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